Many times you can buy a car and after using it for a year or two you start unliking it or wanted to buy a new car with more features or comforts. But for buying new one you would need investment whereas you had invested your savings in previous car. So for selling off your existing car, you need to start off your search in finding it for the best price. Now when you are residing in Nigeria, you might be aware that there are many website, portals for buying and selling cars online. is a renowned portal where buyers and sellers can make their used car deals at affordable prices. When you want to sell off your car, you need to remove time and search for the authorized dealer who would take away your car for further selling process.
Before placing your car for sale, the seller should check out the market price of the new model car and then keep the selling price of its own used car. With many portals and sites available in Nigeria, is a reputed platform where buyers and sellers can meet and make their used car deals at a reasonable price. When you are at, you don't need to be afraid as all the processes are done with proper legal work. There are many options available at, where you can advertise, promote and sell your used car. Before placing the advertisement of your used car, you just need to fill the information on the online form provided by Selling price, date of selling to validity for keeping your used car for sale as well as also need to mention the car details. The car detail includes the age, speed, variant, color, mileage and car location which are very important to be placed for the buyers.
Sharing your used car photo is the most important thing you need to do as the buyer needs to view the condition of the car so that he or she would get an idea of buying it. This will allow the prospective buyers to see your ad and contact information is the most important thing to do. As buyer would be able to contact to you and can also personally meet and inspect the car. To sell your used car faster, you need to place the ad at promote your ad option which includes many other services which are provided in the site. There are also further many options included in the site where you need to post many photos as well as it also provides options for validity where you can place your ads for 7, 14,21 and 28 days to view the ad for buyers. For making your car sell faster, you just need to log-in yourself at, select my inventory tab and start applying ad for your used car. These services will charge you few bugs leading you to sell your car faster in Ghana and Nigeria. always assures you that whether you are a seller or buyer for used car deals at the site, you would be always fulfilled with best smart used car deals. So without being hassle, just be the lucky seller and buyer at CarXus and grab exciting opportunities.